Tuesday, October 4, 2011

ArPen is better against squishy targets?

Here's something interesting that I felt I should share:

Originally Posted by Meteonyker View Post
The whole point of assassins is to reach and rape squishies.
Is Talon really going to have a problem killing a squishy regardless of what he builds?

Let's use Ashe as an example, as she's a great squishy example.

Her base armor at level 18 is 70. Her base health is 1781.
ArPen Runes+ghostblade will bring her to 19 armor, or 16% reduction. 2065 EHP.
Flat AD+LW will bring her to 38 armor, or 28% reduction. 2280 EHP.

Assuming she builds pure dps, it would take a measly additional 215 damage to kill her. But you're now able to actually hurt their tanks and bruisers. And, if she decides to build one armor item because you're killing her too much, you're now more effective against her than you would be if you had ArPen.


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