Thursday, January 12, 2012

Sejuani Art!

Well, so far she looks really cool. I just wish I knew more about her. :)

New Holiday, New Skins!

Riot invented a New Holiday for the Champions of Summoner's Rift. Personally, I feel it's just another Halmark Holiday to get us to by some skins, but the Holiday did some with some really cool skins. I know, this holiday happened while I personally was on holiday, so I'm sure you've already seen them if you wanted to, but I can't help but post them.

Dragonblade Talon (who has new projectile art)
Goqin Sona (who has new sounds)
Jade Dragon Wukong (new spell effects!)
Dragonfist Lee Sin (has new animations!)

I really like that Talon. I might have to buy it, as a Talon main myself.

You Laugh You Lose!

You Laugh You Lose Facebook Logo
Hey guys, I don't know if you know, but FOTM OP is sponsored by That Blank Media. Long story short, TBM has recently launched a new comedy website, and asked me to share it. YouLaughYouLose.Net is a pretty funny website that posts great images from around the net. I personally enjoy it, and even submitted a few of the pictures myself.

I'm not too great at plugs. I hope this satisfies my overlords. But seriously, check 'em out, pump their social buttons a few times for me, and drop some "FOTMOP is awesome" comments in their comments box. :)

If LoL was Streetfighter...

Ever wonder what LoL would look like if it was actually Street Fighter? This video answers that question, with awesome.

Also, I'm back from my little holiday. :)