Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Viktor Champion Spotlight!

Here it is, Phreak's official champion spotlight. Brought to you before the official LoL website!

New Skins in the Viktor Patch!

With Viktor coming out soon, It's time to share the new skins!

Regular Viktor
Full Machine Viktor
Prototype Viktor
Artic Ops Kennen
Sandstorm Katarina
Superb Villain Veigar
I really like that Kat. Like, a lot. Pretty excited!

Rioter's dance!

A short video of some of the riot staff dancing to celebrate the upcoming release of Viktor!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from FOTMOP, summoners.

Want more wallpapers? Visit :)

Friday, December 23, 2011

Phreak does Q&A, also raps

Starts with Trynd vrs Lee Sin advice. Some good stuff, but pretty long! Enjoy!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Charmed by Ahri - LoL song

It's rare that I enjoy a song about a game, but this one I like a lot. It was really well done, kudos!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Warwick - Lanewick guide!

(Continued from Warwick - Lanewick build!)

Alright. So, you've decided to give my topwick a chance.

Take your pick of:
I usually run Ignite/Heal
Flash: positioning for ults / escape
Ignite: secure a kill / proc bloodscent for speed
Heal: bait a dive / keep you alive
Teleport: dragon control / free returns

This will be your item core:
Very fun.
Every item is dual purposed.

Every item there serves a dual purpose. They all increase both sustain/survivability and damage. Mpen increase Q damage, which increases the heal. Malady increases attack speed (for more passive use), while providing mpen for the Q. Sunfire gives the armor and health needed to soak, while increasing DPS. With all that Mpen, the Sunfire really starts to hurt, and the ult forces their carry to sit in sunfire damage while fully stacking malady. The Wriggles gives armor, attack damage, life steal, and free wards: lane forever mode

A typical build order for is Boots+pots, wriggles, sorc, malady, sunfire.

After that, build depending on team comp. Shurelya's Reverie, Banshee's Veil and Spirit Visage all make great 5th items. Atma's is a great 6th, especially when they're AD heavy.

Your Runes:
I love this page.
Reds: Magic Pen* (Alt: Flat AD)
Yellows: Armor (Alt: Health per level)
Blues: Magic resists (Alt: CDR)
Quints: Move Speed* (Alt: Magic Pen)

*Highly recommended.

Your Masteries:
These aren't as strict. The only required mastery, is Arcane Knowledge. Magic Pen is the most important stat to topwick.

My favorite alternative is 9/21/0, being sure to grab Initiator and Mercenary in defense. You should tag many assists with your W, much free gold. Move speed is incredibly important for Warwick.

The Skill Order:

Q: take at 1, max by 9.
W: take at 3, max last.
E: take at 2, max by 13.
R: point at every opportunity.

Alright, so you've got the set up.
Now, how you play it? The premise is simple. Warwick's kit has high base damage that doesn't really scale well with items. His Q does damage based on his targets max hp, OR Base+AP, so building AP isn't that strong because until very high amounts of AP it will be doing % damage anyway. His ultimate deals magic damage, applies on hit effects (which are magic damage) but scales with physical damage. So, his two main sources of damage are magic, and neither of them scale logically. This leaves us with one DPS choice: Magic Pen.

So, you're top lane, and ready to get that magic pen.
For the first few levels, you're going to need to just last hit, and avoid exchanges. Do your best to avoid spending mana until level 5. Rank 3 Q is when you become a real terror. Exchanging is now ill advised for most opponents, as you will heal back most of what they can do to you in a single Q. Start to bully them. Keep them right around half health until you hit 6. Hit 6, Q > Ult > Ignite > Q. Kill.

Your job?
For the most part, it is your job to lock-down the most dangerous target on the enemy team. You are also to soak a lot of damage, and provide two excellent bits of utility to your team. Attack speed, and vision on low health enemies.

Viktor officially announced!

Still looks freakin' sick
Well, he's officially been announced now. I'm really glad he's the next champion, all of the leaks got me a little hyped about him. Haha.

If you're curious to see him in action, check out this sneak-peak: Viktor sneak peak

Monday, December 19, 2011

New champion, Viktor. Game play and commentary.

Well, the commentary is a little weak. But, this champion looks pretty sweet. Very different, very new, I can't wait for him to come out.

Edit: Viktor*

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Minecraft Chogath!

I just thought this was pretty neat. It does rupture and everything!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Ahri Patch - Mistletoe LeBlanc In game

I don't like this one as much as the Gangplank skin, but it still isn't bad.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Ahri Patch - Toy Soldier Gangplank In game

Well, I was going to buy it and give a screen shot, like I normally do. Thanks to youtube, I didn't have too. This is a much better representation of that skin than I could ever do. I love the new animations. Very toy-soldier-esq. Roit did very well with this skin.

From the PBE - Dodge removal.

With the pending dodge removal, some items are going to need to change. Namely, Ninja Tabi and Sword of the Divine. Here's what's currently up for testing on the PBE.


Two item changes are now available to test around with on Summoner's Rift:

Ionic Spark
Now purchasable on Summoner's Rift and Twisted Treeline
Chain lightning proc increased to 120 from 100.

Ninja Tabi
+30 Armor
UNIQUE Passive: Reduces incoming basic attack damage by 10%
UNIQUE Passive: Enhanced Movement 2

It appears that Ionic Spark from Dominion is in line to replace SotD. I'm not sure how I feel about this. To compare the two items:

Sword of the Divine.
For 1970 gold, you get:
  • 60% attack speed
  • 100 damage proc on 4th attack.
  • On active: 30 ArPen
Ionic Spark.
For 2300 gold, you get:
  • 50% attack speed
  • 250 HP
  • 120 damage proc on 4th attack. (hits multiple targets)
So it comes down to
  • 10% attack speed + save 330 gold vrs 250 hp
  • 100 damage single target + 30 arp vrs 120 splash damage

Attack speed Volibear with Ionic Spark will be a ton of fun to play though. I'm going to try it regardless of how good it is or isn't.

The new Ninja Tabi look great though. They MAY be even a little too strong. They will continue to serve as a niche/counter item though. They should still be in a great place.

Ahri Champion Spotlight!

She looks to be a ton of fun. Can't wait to play her. :)

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Ahri Patch - In game Models

So I've got the models for you. It turns out it was Wind-up-toy gangplank. That makes much more sense than cartoonplank. Speaking of that, they should make some toon skins, yugioh style. I need to be careful, my nerd is showing. Haha. Enjoy.

Calling all Streamers.

I'm currently seeking at least three more streamers. If you stream, let me know. Currently just asking me to embed you is all I need. Maybe we can increase your viewership! Comment here, email me at breaku [at]]], or add me in game: Breaku.

Ahri Patch - New Runes

There are a few new runes in the Ahri Patch. Here's a list, theory crafting to come later.
  • 2% spellvamp quints
  • 2% lifesteal quints
  • .25 gp10 seals
  • 2arp/1.13mp quints
  • 1arp/.57mp reds

Ahri Patch - New skins

Schoolgirl Ahri? Giggity.
Cartoon Plank? 
This was a given, Christmas Tree Moaki :D

None of these are really instant buy for me, but some of them are pretty freakin' cool. :)

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Ahri Patch Preview!

Some interesting stuff in this patch.
  1. Finally, a Tryn nerf! As a top player, playing against Tryn is very disheartening. It seems like I either kill him in one combo, or he's back to full health. Hopefully this change will fix that issue without nerfing him out of viability.
  2. Some Twisted Fate quality of life changes. This I like, mostly because I'm horrible at TF. Hopefully I'll be able to learn how to play him now that he's a little easier to play.
  3. Dodge rune refund! About time. I've stopped using them myself, to get ready for the removal. I'll be happy to have all that IP ready to go when the new runes come out.
  4. Speaking of new runes... Lifesteal/spellvamp quints!? Oh wow. I wonder if these will be worth getting. Oh, and the double penetration (giggity) yellows? I wonder if they'll strong enough to be worth giving up the HP or Armor. These runes all seem like they'll be very strong on Akali. Not looking forward to more Akali Gods.

Now, that's all great and what not, but Also Ahri!

Ahri! Can't wait!
What we know:
  • High mobility, uses a three charge dash ult akin to Akali.
  • High magic damage.
  • Uses "seduction" to lock down an enemy.

Frankly, I can't wait to see this champion. She sounds like a ton of fun.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Domain named it up. Transitional period. Everything should be fantastic in the next couple days.

Well, everything's perfect on your end. Some stuff on my end is a little bit of a pain. But the good news is, you can email me directly at breaku [at]]]

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Volibear patch - New Akali Skin (Silverfang Akali)

Bring it, bitches.

I mistakenly forgot to take off my name. If I have time, I'll maybe get another one without it. That's The new Akali in my favorite frame of her taunt animation. The taunting was justified, as I finished that game with a stupidly high score.

Akali OP, huehuehue.

And, if you missed them, here's the art and model once more.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Volibear patch - Hyena Warwick in game screenshot.

Well, that's what it looks like in game. Well, on my computer anyway. With lowest possible settings. Although, there are a few really cool features to this skin.

-Whenever you Q, he giggles.
-His laugh is a new laugh. It's very Hyena-esq.

I told you it would be an instant buy for me. I love it.

To see the art/model click here: Volibear patch - New Warwick skin! (Hyena Warwick)
To read my personal build for topwick, click here: Warwick - Lanewick build/guide!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Volibear patch - New jungle (redux)

Originally Posted by Morello:

Based on your feedback, we have made some changes to the jungle [to clarify, these changes are LIVE on North America]. See below for the release notes:
  • Increased total base Health in the jungle a bit, focusing on the larger monsters. This is to help accommodate single-target focused junglers.
  • Increased base Damage in the jungle a bit. This is to add some additional counter-jungling danger, as well as making sustain-based junglers, such as Warwick or Fiddlesticks, fill their specific niche again.
  • Increased Experience rewards of the jungle, both base and scaling. Simply put, this should make sure the jungler stays somewhere between the solo and duo lanes in most cases, as opposed to closer to the duo lane.
  • Reduced the Health scaling on the small golem camp. This is to adjust the difficulty/reward ratio on these monsters as the game goes on.
  • Moved around Gold and Experience rewards so that the Blue Wraith, the Giant Wolf, and the Medium Golem give a higher percentage of the reward for defeating their camp. This is a specific change to increase the viability of counter-jungling. Stealing big monsters will be more impactful.
  • Monsters now will start to accumulate more reward if they remain idle on the map for a certain amount of time. While we like there to be tradeoffs between ganking and farming, this should somewhat reduce the penalty of failed ganks and reward successful ganks more. Additionally, counter-junglers can steal these monsters and reset their “bank” of additional rewards.

We will continue to monitor the jungle changes, but please give these a try and see if they improve your experience. We’d like to thank everyone for their discussion and feedback on the new jungle. Everyone’s detailed feedback has helped us to continue making changes aimed at meeting our long-term gameplay goals while making your experience better. 

Happy ganking!
 Very interesting changes, indeed. They look like they'll be better than live, and still be able to accomplish the original goals of the new jungle. I haven't had a chance to play it yet, but I'm looking forward to it, for sure. Expect a review once I can get a decent amount of games in in the redux jungle.

Volibear patch - New Warwick skin! (Hyena Warwick)

"Valoran Geographic" lol
Well, that new Warwick skin is coming out soon. Perfectly timed with my build advice! Click here to read my Warwick build! Below is the model and concept art, if you haven't seen it yet. This is probably going to be an insta-buy for me, even though I already have Urfwick. I like it a lot! Hyena's are pretty cool, and our favorite wolf would make an excellent one.
Concept Art

Friday, December 2, 2011

Warwick - Lanewick build/guide!

(Updated version:

Hey guys, so I'm a pretty avid Warwick player. I love to play lanewick, especially toplanewick. And I typically have a decent amount of success when I do play him. So, here's a guide to play Warwick like a boss.


I play Warwick as a magic-damage-dealing-autoattacking-soaking-anticarry. What that means is, when my team comp is light on both magic damage and melee, Warwick (with the way I build him) is a great addition to the team. Reason being, both his ult and his Q do magic damage. He's also a great choice when the enemy team has a supercarry. Being able to shut that carry down is a specialty of Warwick.

Great job!

Interestingly, while both abilities do magic damage, neither scale with AP (Well, his Q does, but until you hit stupidly high levels of AP, you'll end up using the % max hp component anyway, so building AP isn't worth it.) Because of this, magic pen becomes incredibly important. Magic pen marks, are definitely required. Other slots are not as important, but I typically run flat armor seals, magic resit per level glyphs, and move speed quints. Alternatively, you could mix some mana regen into your blues or yellows. During the early levels, he does have some mana issues.

Mpen / Armor / Mr per level / MS
Another alternative that I've been playing around with recently, forfeits some armor/mr for attack speed. This helps take advantage of his passive against a lane that's going to have a lot of harass.

Mpen / attack speed + armor / attack speed / move speed
Summoner Spells.

The best four choices are:

Obviously, you need to adapt to what your team has, and what your team needs. If I can, I prefer to run Heal/Ignite. While flash is great for positioning, and teleport is great for dragon control, heal/ignite allow you to preform your roll to the max. Heal for extra soak power, and ignite for helping burst down the carry. Never underestimate a Q -> ult -> ignite -> Q burst combo on Warwick.


Masteries are a little less strict. I typically like to run 21/9/0 or 9/21/0.  I decide between offense or defense based on the roll I'm going to be playing on my team. If I'm going to spend more time anticarrying, I'll go offense. If I'm going to spend more time soaking, I'll go defense.


Perhaps my favorite part of lanewick, is how small his "core" is. In reality, he doesn't have one. Though, there are items I prefer to build.

Every item there serves a duel purpose. They all increase both sustain/survivability and damage. Mpen increase Q damage, which increases the heal. Malady increases attack speed (for more passive use), while providing mpen for the Q. Sunfire gives me the armor and health I need to soak, while increasing my DPS. With all that Mpen, the Sunfire really starts to hurt, and my ult forces their carry to sit in sunfire damage. The Wriggles gives me armor, attack damage, and life steal. It allows me to ward my lane, and gives me the lifesteal I need to stay in lane.

A typical build order for me is Boots+pots, wriggles, sorc, malady, sunfire.

I'll get into playstyle in my next post. Hope this helps you!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Volibear patch - My take on the new jungle.

I'm making this post a little sooner than I probably would have liked. I'm not ready to throw my hat into the 'change it back' ring yet, but servers are down, so I'll give you what I've got.

-Champions with high movespeed in the jungle are amazing now. Most of my experimenting was done as Shyvana. She's a very fast champion to begin with, taking her W, MS quints, and both MS masteries, she's able to clear incredibly quick. In fact, most of the time, I was able to keep on par with the mid/top lanes in EXP. I was actually beating them in raw CS, but I'm unsure how that converts to gold at this point. The enemy jungle was Xin Zhao, and he got destroyed. I had doubled his CS at ten minutes, ganked more than he did, and maintained a two level advantage.

-Exp mastery is once again incredible. Without running exp/movespeed, the current jungle is a little lacking. It was required before (to get your level 2 at golems) but when the mastery changes came about, the exp to golems was buffed to give you 2 without the mastery. Once again, running exp/movespeed kept me on par with mid lane.

-It was a common strategy to hit 2 from golems, then gank. In the new jungle, even more interesting, is that red will give you 2. And not only will it give you 2, but it's easier to kill. Red -> 2 -> gank is really strong, and surprising.

-The main complaint that I'm seeing is that the risk/reward is too risky. I look at it differently. Previously, you had to gank when your jungle is cleared, because there was nothing else to do. Now, whenever you're close to a lane, you have to ask yourself "can I gank once I clear this?" if yes, you do. If not, you have to decide which camp to do next. The decision should be based on which lane would be the easier kill. "If I go to golems from wraiths, I may be able to gank bot, they're pretty pushed, but top lane is in trouble, maybe I'll head to wolves and gank or cover for him." Those types of interactions are much better than the Jungle's dead -> time to gank ways of the old jungle.

Of course, I'm not sure about the numbers. I feel they're pretty close, but maybe over buffing the jungle is the best way to help others see it this way. Once they're used to the playstyle, they can always adjust it down as to not be overpowered.

-Breaku, NA sever, 1600 elo.

More jungle changes in the works!

Posted by Morello:
Hey folks,

After letting the jungle settle for a day and not only reading the feedback on the forums, but watching streamers, discussing with high-level players, and running some additional internal testing and mathcraft, we will be making changes to the jungle, likely tomorrow.

What will be the scope of these changes, and what are we trying to fix?

* XP Rate: This isn't as smoothed out as we'd liked (or was intended) and has been the most noticeable problem in the new jungle. While we do think this is not as drastically far off as some believe, it is lower than intended. We'll likely make updates here, especially relating to small camps.

* Penalty of missed ganks: While we do like this tradeoff, we don't like the tradeoff ratio here, something you guys have also felt pretty substantially. Changes made will effect this for the better, whether in increased reward or reduced resource loss.

* Gold Rate: Jungler gold is slightly lower than needed, and this is also related to small camp gold. We will be more careful here as to not make counter-jungling worse (since it revolves largely on stealing the big monsters out of camps), but will be evaluating this.

Classick, Guinsoo and I will be doing some final proposals and mathcraft in the morning, in hopes to release it in a hotfix. I'll try to provide status updates as we get more information. Details to come.

I really wish I had more time to play with it. I'm not the greatest jungler, but I was having a lot of success in the new jungle. Oh well, the success can only be amplified in the new new jungle.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

11/29/2011, NA servers are up!

Enjoy your Volibear!

Skin Models - Volibear Patch

To see the art, check this post:

Here are the models of the new skins!

I really like that Warwick and that Akali. The Lux model looks better than the art.

New skins in the Volibear patch!

Sup Dudes. It's patch day shortly, and you know what that means! New skins! I really dig this Akali skin. Which is your favorite?

I love this Akali
Not sure if this is a New skin, or just updated art.
Not sure how I feel about this Lux.
Megaman trist?
Looks like Warwick?!
Again, this might just be updated art.
To see the models, view this post: