(Updated version: http://www.fotmop.com/2011/12/warwick-lanewick-guide.html)
Hey guys, so I'm a pretty avid Warwick player. I love to play lanewick, especially toplanewick. And I typically have a decent amount of success when I do play him. So, here's a guide to play Warwick like a boss.
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Warwick! |
I play Warwick as a magic-damage-dealing-autoattacking-soaking-anticarry. What that means is, when my team comp is light on both magic damage and melee, Warwick (with the way I build him) is a great addition to the team. Reason being, both his ult and his Q do magic damage. He's also a great choice when the enemy team has a supercarry. Being able to shut that carry down is a specialty of Warwick.
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Great job! |
Interestingly, while both abilities do magic damage, neither scale with AP (Well, his Q does, but until you hit stupidly high levels of AP, you'll end up using the % max hp component anyway, so building AP isn't worth it.) Because of this, magic pen becomes incredibly important. Magic pen marks, are definitely required. Other slots are not as important, but I typically run flat armor seals, magic resit per level glyphs, and move speed quints. Alternatively, you could mix some mana regen into your blues or yellows. During the early levels, he does have some mana issues.
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Mpen / Armor / Mr per level / MS |
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Mpen / attack speed + armor / attack speed / move speed |
The best four choices are:
Obviously, you need to adapt to what your team has, and what your team needs. If I can, I prefer to run Heal/Ignite. While flash is great for positioning, and teleport is great for dragon control, heal/ignite allow you to preform your roll to the max. Heal for extra soak power, and ignite for helping burst down the carry. Never underestimate a Q -> ult -> ignite -> Q burst combo on Warwick.
Masteries are a little less strict. I typically like to run 21/9/0 or 9/21/0. I decide between offense or defense based on the roll I'm going to be playing on my team. If I'm going to spend more time anticarrying, I'll go offense. If I'm going to spend more time soaking, I'll go defense.
Perhaps my favorite part of lanewick, is how small his "core" is. In reality, he doesn't have one. Though, there are items I prefer to build.
Every item there serves a duel purpose. They all increase both sustain/survivability and damage. Mpen increase Q damage, which increases the heal. Malady increases attack speed (for more passive use), while providing mpen for the Q. Sunfire gives me the armor and health I need to soak, while increasing my DPS. With all that Mpen, the Sunfire really starts to hurt, and my ult forces their carry to sit in sunfire damage. The Wriggles gives me armor, attack damage, and life steal. It allows me to ward my lane, and gives me the lifesteal I need to stay in lane.
A typical build order for me is Boots+pots, wriggles, sorc, malady, sunfire.
I'll get into playstyle in my next post. Hope this helps you!
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