Friday, August 5, 2016

Heroes of Incredible Tales (HIT) PvP - Duel

Here is another type of PvP in HIT, the 1v1 duel.

The main problem with this game mode is that the matchmaking is terrible, which you can see from these five quick fights.

Heroes of Incredible Tales (HIT) PvP

Here's one round of the up to six player free-for-all PvP in HIT.

I didn't do so well, haha.

There are three types of PvP in HIT. 1v1, 6 player FFA, and 3v3 Guild Wars.

Heroes of Incredible Tales

I've been playing this game on Android, and it runs beautifully on my S5. It's a pretty standard JRPG and it's a good time killer and a lot of fun.

This is three attempts to beat the newest end-game content on Easy as one of the four playable characters, Kiki.