Alright, so we've got the new champion (Volibear of course). He's a tanky DPS Melee AP champion. He's got a fling similar to Singed. I'm curious to see if atmogs will be good on him, though I doubt it considering he scales with HP and AP, not HP and AD.
Some slight Fizz buffs. His Q can no longer be dodged, and the targeted was corrected to hit sooner.
Some slight Jarvan IV changes. His passive was changed from physical to magic (slight nerf) but now scales with level. It will hit for a little less early, but a little more late (6/8/10% from flat 8%). Combined with the physical to magic switch, it will likely hit for near the same late game.
Karthus is seeing a small nerf to his Wall. The duration of the slow is now only 5 seconds, and it will no longer reapply.
Finally Kassadin will no longer force pulse backwards!
Katarina's changes from last patch have been reverted. You can no longer select if you want to go in front or behind the target.
Sivir has been remade. Most notably, her Q is now physical damage with no AP ratio, and her W is now an on-next-hit ability.
Taric's AP ratios have gone up!
Health pots nerfed. Mana pots buffed. Madred's razor nerfed. Wriggles nerfed.
Jungle changes! Many of them
+Small camps now respawn faster, but have reduced rewards
+Small camps now have a Healing Sigil, healing the killer based upon how much health they are missing
+Neutral monsters now have their health, damage, experience reward, and gold reward increase with game length, instead of having health increases with each respawn
+Neutral monster experience range reduced to 400 from 800 (the killer always gets experience)
+Ancient Golem camp experience increased slightly and gold reduced slightly
+Crest of the Ancient Golem now grants 25 flat MP5, but grants 1% regen from maximum mana, from 1.5%, and provides energy
+Lizard Elder camp experience increased and gold reduced slightly
+Blessing of the Lizard Elder melee slow % reduced to 8/16/24% from 10/20/30%
+Dragon and Baron Nashor are now immune to armor and magic resist-shredding effects
+Baron Nashor will now push wards away if you try to place one too close
+Monsters now heal 5% immediately when they retreat (instead of after 1 second), but are easier to re-aggro