Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Pulsefire Ezreal Android Background

Your Android Will be Firin' up its lazers.

This is perfect for the league fan on the go. Or for the ezreal fan that wishes their phone could Pulsefire.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Ashe fan art wallpaper

Im nothing short of blown away by the quality of the fan art and the wallpapers that are coming out recently. Check out wallpaper vortex for a larger selection of league wallpapers. This Ashe one is my favorite, what's yours?

Wall Paper!

Holy sweetness
Alright, check out this sick wall paper. It was made by Creative Orange, and it's nothing short of freakin' sweet.

Support Thorrbo!

Hey everyone,

I know it's been far too long since I've last posted -- but I don't have internet at home at the moment, so posting has been somewhat of a challange. This is just a quick update:

  1. Scored myself a gold badge again season two [with my last game having been in April - not too shabby]
  2. Started a new blogsite with my new lady. Check it out, but know it's still in it's very early stages: http://pinkandbluereview.blogspot.com
  3. I would also like to ask you head over to http://www.imthorrbo.com/ and watch his stream for a minute. He may even have a seisure. How fun would that be?
Thanks so much for all of the reads and comments so far, it's been pretty nice. As soon as I get internet, it's back to work on my skin in game series, and maybe once I get back into the meta I'll even post a few more guides.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Skin in Game, Series.

Just a small update!

So far I've captured screen shots of 9 different skins in game. I'm not sure how many I own, but its going to be a while before I can get them all up here. Are there any skins you would like to see?

Anyhow, I've gotten victories with these:

Silverfang Akali
Hyena Warwick
Bittersweet Lulu
Renegade Talon
Triumphant Ryze
Crimson Elite Riven

Screens up, but no victory for:

Arctic Ops Kennen
Hillbilly Gragas
Nunu Bot

Also, don't forget to check out our featured Streamer, ThorrboDalv. You can check him out on our page, by clicking the link at the top, or you can visit him at his website: http://www.imthorrbo.com/

Silverfang Akali in Game!

Bring it bitches!

Akali is tons of fun to play, though this is actually an older post that I'm reformatting to fit into the win with every skin series that I'm doing, since this was basically the precursor to the series anyhow. 

Double stackali, very fun, very stronk.


Other Skins in Game:

Breaku has a gold badge from season one, and is currently ranked in the gold bracket again for season two. In his spare time, aside from playing League of Legends, he is the webmaster at http://www.youlaughyoulose.net.

Hyena Warwick in Game

Thumps up

Warwick is one of my all time favorite champions, and this is easily one of my favorite skins. Whenever you use his Q, he giggles, and when you /laugh he sounds like a hyena. It's pretty freakin' awesome.

Since Warwick is one of my favorites, you can view my guide for him here:
Warwick in the top lane: build and guide.

And a more complete version can be found here:
Warwick: the lanewick guide


Losses? As Warwick? Never!

Other Skins in Game:

Breaku has a gold badge from season one, and is currently ranked in the gold bracket again for season two. In his spare time, aside from playing League of Legends, he is the webmaster at http://www.youlaughyoulose.net.

Nunu Bot in Game!

Nunu is fun, but he requires a good lane partner to play as support. Unfortunately, I may need to duo queue to get this victory screen.


Lost my end-game screenshot. I'll try to find it, but my score was again horrible! 

Other Skins in Game:

Breaku has a gold badge from season one, and is currently ranked in the gold bracket again for season two. In his spare time, aside from playing League of Legends, he is the webmaster at http://www.youlaughyoulose.net.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Arctic Ops Kennen in Game

So mean looking.

I love Kennen. It's fun to zip around the field, and zap people with lightning. Apparently, I'm not the greatest at him, but I'll have to practice to finish my win-with-every-skin campaign. I do like this skin, his auto attacks look different to match his new weapon.


Lost my end-game screenshot. I'll try to find it, but my score was horrible! Something like 4-12. Lol.

Other Skins in Game:

Breaku has a gold badge from season one, and is currently ranked in the gold bracket again for season two. In his spare time, aside from playing League of Legends, he is the webmaster at http://www.youlaughyoulose.net.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Bittersweet Lulu in Game!

This was my first game as Lulu. She was a ton of fun to play as a support. A lot more engaging than your typical Soraka or Sona. I can actually play support now, and not want to cut myself. Great!

Early game was rough, but once I got the hang of it I stopped dying.

Won first try!

Other Skins in Game:

Breaku has a gold badge from season one, and is currently ranked in the gold bracket again for season two. In his spare time, aside from playing League of Legends, he is the webmaster at http://www.youlaughyoulose.net.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Renegade Talon in Game

King Badass

I love talon. He's one of my most played in ranked, but I haven't played him in a long time. Had a great time playing him again, and for laning against a Renekton, I don't think I did so bad.

Was a very fun game.


Other Skins in Game:

Breaku has a gold badge from season one, and is currently ranked in the gold bracket again for season two. In his spare time, aside from playing League of Legends, he is the webmaster at http://www.youlaughyoulose.net.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Want higher Elo? Here's 10 ways to get it.

Alright, so recently a few of my friends hit level 30. They of course tried ranked, and didn't do so well. They then raged and blamed it on that thing they read about -- Elo Hell. I came to save them, though. With just a few pointers, I was able to help them pull their way out of 'Elo Hell' and even reach scores as high as 1550 Elo, all without a single duo queue.

First, a little about me. Season 1, I earned a gold badge, and so far this season, I'm sitting in the 1600s with only 32 games played. Feel free to check me in game, summoner name "Breaku". I don't play very often, and closer to the end of the season I do intend to push for the elusive platinum rating, but for now I'm happy where I am.

Now, to the advice. All too often I see on the league of legends forums that people can't carry themselves out of Elo Hell, even though they think that they're better than their current score. Luckily, I am here to tell you that Elo is only 50% skill, but the other 50% isn't simply luck. There's too much knowledge, mechanical skill, and counter-play for luck to be a huge factor. So, here it is, Breaku's top 10 ways to raise your Elo.

1) Stay positive.
Not necessarily your KDA but your attitude. When you mess up, apologize. When someone else messes up, don't get angry. Anger rips a team apart, and the angrier your team is, the worse you will play. Raging and anger also breeds trolls. Call someone bad, and they might just leave, or feed. You now lost the game, even though it could have easily been a victory.

2) Accept the fact that Elo Hell doesn't exist.
Simply put, there's always something you could have done better even if your team was horrendous. Accepting this fact will help you improve your own gameplay drastically. Did someone on your team feed? This wasn't 'bad luck' but rather bad planning. Could you have given them a few kills to help get them the items they needed to survive? Could you have let them farm that top lane when it was crowded with minions? Could you have taken a tower sooner, or a dragon? A 'feeder' isn't always a bad player. When one person feeds, it's the whole team that failed, not just that player.

Also, by simple math, assuming that YOU are not going to troll, there are only four potential trolls on your team, while there are five on the other. Simple math shows that you're more likely to play against a troll than with one. (Unless you're breeding them with your anger, of course)

3) Win your lane.
Always. No excuses. I don't care if the enemy jungler lived in your lane and ganked you every time you stepped past the tower, you will win that lane or at the very least not die.

4) Learn how to be carried.
This one is very important, and it's a skill that a lot of solo queue players lack. If you're not doing so hot, be the guy that your team wants to carry, and let them do it. You don't have to end every game looking like the rockstar, victory is victory.

5) Find the enemy teams weak link, and make him a feeder.
Moral is almost as important as skill in the realm of solo queue. If you can single out their weakest player, and make him a feeder, that's going to be a huge blow to enemy moral. If they haven't started raging in all chat when their Ashe is 0/4, a simple "Why is Ashe feeding? :(" in all chat aught to bring it out.

6) Don't taunt the enemy.
While asking provocative questions will help you win, "LOL Y U SO BAD??" can give the other team a rallying point and not work out how you planned. If you want to mess with their heads, there are much better ways to do it.

7) Find your 'feeder' and prevent him from feeding.
A feeder that can't feed, is no longer a feeder. Don't yell at him, instead you should protect him. If someone on your team is really squishy or feeding, the enemy team will often dive him because they know how squishy he is. Use this to your advantage!

8) Don't play the same champion twice in a row.
This one is more of a personal thing, but I find that when I play the same champion twice in a row (especially when I had done well with that champion the match before) I play more risky because I over-estimate my power level. This is even more true with a champion that I'm not an expert with.

For example, I'm a really good Warwick. I know exactly what I can do as Warwick at any level with any build, because I've done it so many times. However, I don't play Nocturne nearly as often. The last time I played him, I played him twice in a row. The first time, I was really cautious, because I didn't know exactly how strong I was, and I did really well. The next game, I was like "woah, I rocked as Noct!" so I played him again, and made a ton of stupid mistakes because I wasn't a good enough Noct to know how strong I was with the items I had, because my only point of reference was the game where I got really fed.

9) Don't play two games back to back.
Okay, so you followed the other points in this guide and won a match! Your team was bad, but you didn't get angry, and you were able to keep moral up for that crushing victory. Why would you want to press the play again button instantly and get those same bad who you just carried? Or worse, get some of the enemy team that you just beat? This takes the randomness out of matchmaking, which isn't a good thing.

This is even more true when you lose. If you lose a match you should never ever play another one within the next half hour. Go for a jog, have a snack, whatever. Clear your mind. No use letting the disappointment from an earlier loss have any affect on your new game.

10) Don't play drunk/stoned/tired/etc.
This one I had to add for me. Probably half of my losses are from me playing drunk and hopping into ranked. Stupid mistake, every time. You need your judgement to be at its fullest if you want your Elo to go up.Not to mention, your Elo score reflects the state of mind you typically play in. You may be a 1500 player sober, but only a 1300 player drunk. Keep that in mind!

Now, that doesn't mean don't drink in normals. That's just too fun.

Anyhow, those are your top ten quick and easy ways to increase your Elo. Hopefully this helps! If this works for you, let me know in the comments below.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Hillbilly Gragas in game!

I'm not a very good Gragas and it's been a while since I last played him, so I got wrecked my first try. Wish me luck for the next attempt.


Not on file. Soon to come!

Other Skins in Game:

Breaku has a gold badge from season one, and is currently ranked in the gold bracket again for season two. In his spare time, aside from playing League of Legends, he is the webmaster at http://www.youlaughyoulose.net.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Triumphant Ryze In Game

Why haven't you gotten Triumphant Ryze yet?

Probably my third time playing Ryze. Ever.

Second skin, second victory. This is starting off pretty easily. I'm changing the goal from "play every skin" to win as every skin. I've got quite a few to go through, so this is going to take awhile. Especially if I start losing.

View Game/Skin One (Crimson Elite Riven): http://www.fotmop.com/2012/02/crimson-elite-riven-in-game.html

Breaku has a gold badge from season one, and is currently ranked in the gold bracket again for season two. In his spare time, aside from playing League of Legends, he is the webmaster at http://www.youlaughyoulose.net.

Crimson Elite Riven In Game

"Let me tell you a thing or two"

13/3/7 -- truth in numbers.

I'm going to try to catalog every skin that I own on this blog (eventually). I'm only playing each skin once, and I'll be sure to post my score at the end of each game! This is the first of the series.

Breaku has a gold badge from season one, and is currently ranked in the gold bracket again for season two. In his spare time, aside from playing League of Legends, he is the webmaster at http://www.youlaughyoulose.net.

Friday, February 24, 2012

A female Melee AD Carry!?

That's right. Fiora is to join the ranks of Yi and Tryn as Physical damage carries. As a fencer, speed and agility, rather than brute strength, are her main traits and she uses them to disembowel her enemies.

  • Duelist (passive) - Fiora regenerates health over 6 seconds each time she deals damage. Striking champions will cause this effect to stack up to 4 times.
  • Lunge - Fiora dashes forward to strike her target, dealing physical damage. Fiora can perform the dash a second time within a couple seconds at no mana cost.
  • Riposte - Fiora's Attack Damage is increased. When activated, Fiora parries the next basic attack and reflects magic damage back to the attacker. Works against champions, monsters, and large minions.
  • Burst of Speed - Fiora temporarily gains additional Attack Speed. Each basic attack or Lunge she lands during this time increases her Movement Speed. Killing a champion refreshes the cooldown on Burst of Speed.
  • Blade Waltz (ultimate) - Fiora dashes around the battlefield to deal physical damage to enemy champions. Successive strikes against the same target deal less damage.

As you can see, she's very speedy, and she looks quite fun. I hate to admit it, but this is another insta-buy for me.

To read more, visit: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/news/fiora-grand-duelist-revealed

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Ziggs, how to do it right.

This dude scored an ace!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Another Ahri Song

I like this one even better than the last. Enjoy!

I know I've been neglecting this site a lot, but I've got a ton on my plate with http://www.youlaughyoulose.net currently. I'm almost finished with what I've got to do there though, so I should be back to full capacity soon! :)

Friday, January 27, 2012

A League Valentine's day.

A lady-friend of mine drew this for me for Valentine's Day and couldn't wait until then to send it to me.
Even though she misspelled 'health', I thought this was pretty awesome. "Have you seen my bare tibbers?" "I thought you'd never pick me!"

Also, sorry for the neglect, my smurf is almost 30 :>

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Face lift!

We've gotten a facelift! There are some dead links, and stock photos to fix, but overall, the site will be much better now. Pretty happy :D

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

E3 and SOPA - Why I will not be attending.

This video explains it all. The ESA, the lobbying arm behind the gaming industry, supports SOPA/PIPA. It does this even though a majority of game developers stand against both bills. An interesting subfact is that the ESA makes a lot of money from E3.

So while I was planning on attending, this year I will not be. Or, ever again really, until the ESA pulls it's support from SOPA.

Will you do the same? Will you petition your favorite game company to join your boycott?

You can sign this petition, directed at the ESA, to help them change their stance:

There's also a forum thread on the LoL general forums, asking Riot to boycott E3:

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Sejuani Spotlight!

Very interesting playstyle. She won't be an instant buy for me, but she looks like a very annoying version of the crying mummy.

Servers are also currently down for this patch.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Sejuani Patch Preview!

  • Dodge Removed
  • Jax reworked
  • Sword of the Divine removed
  • Ionic Spark Added to replace SotD
  • Slight Riven Nerfs, mostly to health regen
  • Ninja Tabi boots reworked to give % damage reduction from Auto Attacks

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Sejuani Art!

Well, so far she looks really cool. I just wish I knew more about her. :)

New Holiday, New Skins!

Riot invented a New Holiday for the Champions of Summoner's Rift. Personally, I feel it's just another Halmark Holiday to get us to by some skins, but the Holiday did some with some really cool skins. I know, this holiday happened while I personally was on holiday, so I'm sure you've already seen them if you wanted to, but I can't help but post them.

Dragonblade Talon (who has new projectile art)
Goqin Sona (who has new sounds)
Jade Dragon Wukong (new spell effects!)
Dragonfist Lee Sin (has new animations!)

I really like that Talon. I might have to buy it, as a Talon main myself.

You Laugh You Lose!

You Laugh You Lose Facebook Logo
Hey guys, I don't know if you know, but FOTM OP is sponsored by That Blank Media. Long story short, TBM has recently launched a new comedy website, and asked me to share it. YouLaughYouLose.Net is a pretty funny website that posts great images from around the net. I personally enjoy it, and even submitted a few of the pictures myself.

I'm not too great at plugs. I hope this satisfies my overlords. But seriously, check 'em out, pump their social buttons a few times for me, and drop some "FOTMOP is awesome" comments in their comments box. :)

If LoL was Streetfighter...

Ever wonder what LoL would look like if it was actually Street Fighter? This video answers that question, with awesome.

Also, I'm back from my little holiday. :)

Monday, January 2, 2012

Kreayshawn - Gucci Gucci ( Helicopter Showdown + IB Remix )

Kreayshawn - Gucci Gucci ( Helicopter Showdown + IB Remix )

I'm on a New Years thing, so here's some dubstep.